Michelangelo Lovelace, You Have The Right To Remain Silent, 2013. Acrylic on canvas, 27.5 x 24 inches
Fort Gansevoort is proud to announce that You have the Right to Remain Silent by Michelangelo Lovelace has been acquired by the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University
A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Michelangelo Lovelace paints highly detailed street scenes of his hometown and other U.S. inner cities. These visual documentations capture in vivid color both the mundane aspects of urban living as well as tensions surrounding race and class in diverse communities throughout the country.
You Have the Right to Remain Silent depicts a daily scene on a busy street through the use of deep perspective that leads to Cleveland’s historical Terminal Tower, topped by a U.S. flag. The street’s commercial storefronts like Weave World Beauty Shop/Real Asian, Indian and Middle Eastern Hair, and Yo MaMa Soul Food, along with people of many races and ethnicities filling the road and sidewalks, speak to a vibrant midwestern community...